
This page contains Widdershins exclusives.
Sent in by friends and readers of Widdershins and found no where else on the net. I took the photo above at a local
cemetary, and yes, there does apear to be a face in the large stone. I don't know what it is, only that it does not appear
in daytime photos. Here is a close up.

Just below the upsidedown "V" in the design of
the stone, is an anomaly, which can be seen as a face or faces, and the flowing shape that drifts down below them. As I said
this does not show up in photos taken in daylight.





This photo is part of a cemetary scape taken by a
friend of mine, in England. I think I see some ghostly things in it. Two faces, the one of the man could be the botton of
a stone or urn, but the one in the shrub looks like a genuine ghost capture to me. It looks like a shy female spirit.

Another great photo sent in by Cindi. This light, orb, spirit is unexplained and beautiful.





This photo of a mist around a newborn was sent in
by Cindi. When I look at it in close up, there apears to be a face or faces in it. It seems to be under the plexiglass hood.
I like to think theres something watching out for babies, or maybe a deceased relative came to take a peek. It's a good photo..Thanks

A moving ecto mist forming above evies friends at an old sea side pub in Australia. There
were many shipwrecks near here and many lives lost. Looks to me like the spirits like this place and the girls too! TY for
the picture evie.

