
In order to seek guidance and answers
from the spirits & energies that fill our realm of existence, we often look to tarot cards. The cards give insight
on the path being traveled at the time they are read. I found that on the net. I don't know who wrote it, but,
I'm sure they meant well. The same person who wrote "Tarot, a key to occult wisdom".Hmmm..I had to look up occult and I found
out it means the unknown, a mystery.That seemed real good to know and real relevant considering it's still a mystery to me.
It's a practice important to those of us who look for proof of something beyond this world that we exist in. .
I am going to atempt to tell you a bit about what it is I do. I am Pat Jones, from a small town
in Iowa, and I read the Tarot. I'v thought of changing my name to something more mysterious and dark, like Jade or Storm,
but, most everyone knows me and that wouldn't have worked. So, I'm just Pat the Tarot lady, who wears her jammies to work
half the time, and there's nothing scary or dark here. I didn't know exactly what to say to all of you, but, I
clearly wasn't finding the words I needed on Tarot card reading sites. Not that they are wrong, it just seems to me,
that were all different. And therin lies the beauty. I started to realize there was something beyond this world as a
small child and voiced my opinions quite openly. Contrary to what you might think, this won me no points at home and sometimes
got me a butt whopin' or two. I didn't use cards then. I started using cards as an adult when I realized they were a tool
I could relate to. Many people ask me if ouija boards are evil or if crystal balls are just fantasy. I tell them these things
as well as scrying in fire or water, table taping, pendulum work, and automatic writting, to name a few, are just tools to
work with the paranormal or psychic avenues many want to explore. My tool of choice is the tarot. I
have read many books that explain the significance of each card and I have memorized all 78 cards and thier upright and reverse
meanings and I have learned the celtic spread to divine past ,present ,future. I have come to the conclusion that none of
these things work for me, not in any singular way. I like for people to come in with a good attitude and exchange a smile
and our first names, and then I want them to shuffle the cards, to touch the cards and then ask me a question. The questions
pertain to past, present, future, and include querrys about jobs, homes, finances, family, and of course love. Love seems
to be the most popular area. Then I touch the cards as I lay them out in the traditional celtic cross pattern and it's at
this point I throw out all preconcieved and book gathered information and I just ...see. I ask questions and I say whatever
comes to mind. I wish I could tell you lots more about how tarot works, but, I just don't know. I think maybe its something
everyone has and you probably don't need a deck of cards, just the interest in discovering more about it. The anticipation
of an enigma and an open mind. There have been times when the information I get is so silly I wonder why in the world I get
it. I still don't know. An example is a woman I had never met, but, upon touching her cards I was able to tell her she had
two daughters and thier names were Maddison and Madiline. That was it. The lady was very impressed, but, I felt bad. I told
her, "I got your daughters names, but, how on earth can that help you? You know thier names"...she looked at me and said "you
just gave me proof that there is something more..something we don't understand". Wow. That was really cool. And some days..it

THE AQUARIAN TAROT...Synopsis:The compelling imagery
in this best-seller brings medieval symbolism into the Aquarian Age. Nice use of white, negative space, & subdued color.
Available as a set with the book Psychic Tarot, by Craig Junjulas. My unavoidable opinion: This is my favorite deck, and
the one I use most. I have worn out at least half a dozen of the Aquarian decks. It is not high art and it is not complicated.
It just works for me. The size is good, the visuals from negative spaces and odd borders make it very easy to "see" with.
These photos from the deck seem like old friends.


