

GHOSTS! Spooky pictures, best of the net. Also
the orbs and animal page.

see my personal ghostly photos, go to the page called "My photos."

MAGIC..Interested in
magic? Basics and good links are posted on the page "Magik." There is also an online spellbook link from Akashan Pathways,
some of the spells are my own.

try ghost hunting on the net. It's a great way to spot ghosts if your house isn't haunted. Try the page titled "Ghost Cams"
to find links and examples.

Aliens...are they real?
Photographic evidence of extraterestrial beings and links. You decide.

Famous Fakes...A ghost
site wouldn't be complete without a page on the famous fake photos that circulate the net. Some are quite clever.






links on here to some pretty cool sites. There's an online Tarot reading waiting for you on the Tarot page, and an online
spellbook on the Magic page (you may add your own spells and pictures too), on the Ouija page there's an online Ouija to ask
your questions to.

This site deals with the paranormal and I have tried to include only those photos that I cannot explain. I do have the
programs to test photos and rule out obvious fakes. I have included several of my own ghostly photos and those of friends.
I hope you enjoy this site, and I would love to have you sign my guestbook. If you have any ghostly photos and you'd like
to send them in for publication please feel free to send them to me at.. widdershinsbythree@hotmail.com







GHOST STORIES! The Gothic Castle is something
I started for people to post thier own experiences and writting and it's got some great stories on it. You can find it on
the guestbook page. Please feel free to add one of your own.

All Graphics and animations on this site are by Pat Jones (me). With the
exception of the links page which reflect other websites. Please feel free to right click and keep anything you like
for your own emails or websites.

Widdershins Archives, where
more best of the net ghost photos can be found.

click here |
Oddities..Those things
which don't fit the ghost category, but, are unexplained.

Spooky Dolls...Have
you heard tales of haunted or cursed dolls and other objects? Here's some photos and some film. Judge for yourself.

Antiquity..The most
famous ghost photos of all time. And some of the oldest. Check out antique haunts.


